Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shravak ke 12 Vrat

Jain scripture expects lay Jains to follow the following twelve vows.

The five Anuvratas  :- The Anuvratas are known as the Lesser or Limited Vows:

1.    Non-violence -Ahimsa: Jains must do their best to avoid any intentional hurt to living things. In daily life harm can be minimized by filtering drinking water, not eating at night, and so on. Intentional hurt includes cases of avoidable negligence. Jains must be vegetarians. Jains may use violence in self-defence. If a Jain's work unavoidably causes harm (e.g. farming) they should try to minimize the harm and maintain complete detachment.

2.  Truthfulness -Satya: Jains must always be truthful. Jains must always conduct business honestly.

3.    Dishonesty by not doing something is as bad as being actively dishonest. Non-stealing - Achaurya or Asteya Jains must not steal Jains must not cheat Jains must not avoid paying tax.

4.    Chastity - Bramacharya Jains must have sex only with the person they are married to. Jains must avoid sexual indulgence even with that person. Jains must give up sex, if possible, after the marriage has yielded a son.

5.  Non-possession - Aparigraha Jains must only possess what they need. Jains must use surplus possessions to benefit others. Jains must live simply. Jains must not use too many resources.

The three Gunavratas: The Gunavratas are known as the Subsidiary Vows:

1.  Limited area of activity - Dik vrata By this vow a lay Jain restricts the extent to which they travel, so as to reduce the area in which they may do harm.

2.    Limited use of resources - Bhoga-Upbhoga vrata Jains should limit their use of things like food and clothing according to what they need.

3.  Avoidance of pointless sins - Anartha-dandavrata Thinking or speaking badly of other people. Being inconsiderate (and not just to people). Being self-indulgent. Reading, watching or listening to immoral material.

The four Siksavratas:- The Siksavratas are known as the Vows of Instruction or Discipline:

1.    Meditation vow - Samayik vrata Jains should carry out sitting meditation in one place for 48 minutes each day.

2. Limited duration of activity vow - Desavakasika Jains should restrict certain activities to specific times.

3.   Limited ascetic's life vow –  Pausadha vrata Jains should regularly adopt the life of a monk for a day.

4. Limited charity vow - Siksavratas Jains shouldgive to monks, nuns and the poor.